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Looking for effective and engaging Time: O'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past lessons that tick all your boxes? Look no further! 


Teaching is hard enough, without spending hours creating differentiated lesson plans and activities. Not to mention the time spent planning what your early finishers can do, what assessment points to consider, or sourcing games that consolidate previous skills! With this Reading Time on Analog Clocks unit, everything is done for you. 


What's included?

90+ Pages of Lesson Plans and Activities

  • 15 Sequenced lesson plans (or pick and choose!).
  • Learning intentions.
  • Resource list.
  • Warm-ups, lesson steps and conclusion.
  • Suggested early finisher printable game or 'low-prep' slide option.
  • 90+ pages of activities with three levels of differentiation.
  • Observation points and optional assessment 'check-in' strips throughout.


300+ PowerPoint Slides

  • Broken into 12 lessons.
  • Includes all lesson content, including warm-ups, strategy explanations, practise slides and conclusions.
  • Early finisher 'low-prep game' suggestions.
  • Hyperlinked contents.
  • Editable features like clock hands and selected clipart.
  • Editable slide templates (if you want to add in your own content).


11  Printable Games

  • 50 pages.
  • Printable covers with simplified instructions and resource list.
  • Games aligned to lesson content.
  • All games use common resources (like dice). Any spinners are provided in a printable format. 


Strategies covered:

  • Understanding the features of a clock.
  • Reading and writing o'clock time.
  • Reading and writing half past time.
  • Reading and writing quarter past time.
  • Reading and writing quarter to time.
  • Exposure to digital clocks (Level 3 tasks).
  • Relating clocks and fractions.

Note: This unit is focused on reading o'clock to quarter to time on an analog clock, with options for exposure to digital clocks. As the unit is differentiated, support tasks are offered throughout (e.g., level 1 students have the option to continue with half past time, while other students tackle quarter past).


This resource is perfect for teachers who...

  • Would love a roadmap for delivering quality maths instruction.
  • Are changing year levels and don't know where to start.
  • Never want to worry about writing or missing relief notes!
  • ...want to cater for multiple needs in their class!



*Editable features must be edited out of slideshow mode (easy steps included). 

This resource is created by an Australian educator, so is based around the Australian Curriculum (V.9). However, thousands of educators all over the world have found my resources to be easily adaptable to their classrooms! 

Telling Time on Analog Clocks | Differentiated Math Unit | Step 2 | Lesson Plans

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